Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] Richard og Larry tror, de skal holde en fed weekend hos bossen, Bernie, i hans luksus strandvilla. Men da de ankommer, opdager de til deres gru, at Bernie er død, koldblodigt likvideret af en af mafiaens håndlangere. Richard vil straks tilkalde politiet, men Larry, der har set frem til en festlig weekend, kan se en anden problematik: de vil blive mistænkt for mordet. De enes derfor om at blive og få det bedste ud af situationen. Det vigtigste er bare at få det til at se ud, som om Bernie stadig er i live.. Beskrivelse: [ Dansk Engelsk ] When hard-working Richard Parker and his loafer buddy Larry Wilson stumble across some fraudulent goings on in the work place, they go straight to the top to point it out. But the boss, Bernie Lomax is as corrupt as they come, and with the intention of having them bumped off, he invites the hapless duo to his holiday home for the weekend. But when they arrive, they find someone's reached Bernie before they could. Finding him murdered, the only possible way the less-than-dynamic duo can get through the weekend of parties and beach fun is to convince everyone Bernie's still alive... |